Artwork for the Éditions Gallimard 'Folio Essais' cover of L'esthétisation du monde, by Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy
The book examines the aesthetisation of the world, defining the global system in which we live as 'artistic capitalism. The avant-gardes, the experimentation, the artistic activities, unlike the past, are now integrated into the production system
Éditions Gallimard
Éditions Gallimard
Book cover for 'Franz Kafka' a biography written by his friend and executor, Max Brod
Éditions Gallmard
Éditions Gallmard
Artwork for the Éditions Gallimard 'Folio Essais' cover for Franz Kafka, a biography written by his friend and executor, Max Brod
Éditions Gallimard
Éditions Gallimard
Book cover artwork for Éditions Gallimard's edition of La Phénoménologie de l 'esprit by G.W.F. Hegel
First published in 1807 the text examines the dynamics of human experience from its simplest beginnings in consciousness through its development into more complex and self-conscious forms